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BILL WATCH FILE 2025 [PDF Updated on 03/17/2025]
Download the BILL WATCH FILE [PDF] from above. The notices for the weekly hearings will be included on this HEARING THREAD which is the tab under the BILL WATCH tab in the main menu. Links will be at the top of each posting as well as on the BILL WATCH FILE.
First, look up the bill to check its status. If the committee hearing is upcoming, submit testimony using the online portal. If the committee has already met, but not yet taken a vote, go to the committee page and email them directly. If a committee vote has already been taken, email the full body (House or Senate) that will be voting on the bill. Keep in mind the full body votes on the committee recommendation.So if we support a bill, but the committee voted ITL, we would ask the body to vote NO on ITL.
Here is the procedure for sending in your testimony for all bills as they first get heard in a House or Senate committee, and then go to the floor of the full body for a vote, which is taken for or against the committee’s recommendation.
1 – Using just the bill letters and number, look up the bill to see when the committee hearing and/or full vote is scheduled.
2 – Register your support or opposition (OTP = Ought to Pass or ITL = Inexpedient to Legislate) on this page for House committee hearings, and this page for Senate committee hearings.
Alternatively, if you want to email the committees directly, ask them to put your testimony on file. Here are the places to find both Senate and House Committee emails.
***Note that as mentioned above, once a bill has had its public committee hearing, the online testimony portal will not be available to you. We’ll be posting a full list of committee addresses in a PDF file here soon.
3 – If a bill moves to the full House or Senate for a floor vote, FIND YOUR 2025 REPS EMAILS HERE. Unfortunately the House does not have one general email that goes to all 400 Reps. We recommend writing to your own reps first to get a feel for what might happen and then only after that, you might email other Reps if necessary, but only CC’ing no more than 40 at once so as not to be sent to spam.
Here is the FULL HOUSE EMAIL LIST 2025 for those you think need direction on the matter before the date of the vote.
The Senate’s 2025 general email address which goes to all 24 Senators is Senators@leg.state.nh.us
If you find your emails are going unread, you may try calling the offices of the Senator or Representative.
Here is a full list of FULL SENATE EMAIL LIST 2025.
The Executive Council put a stop to the commuter rail boondoggle with a vote of 3-2 by the Executive Council in 2023. However we will need to remain vigilant to stop taxpayer funding of any future rail projects.