[This was originally posted on December 18, 2005 but has been updated for 2008.]

It look as though the lax enforcement of voter domicile statutes By our AG have led to an interesting set of circumstances in Manchester.

Tax fighters in the November 8, 2005 races in that city faced the typical dirty tricks used in hard fought political campaigns these days. Sign stealing, mail not being delivered before the election, the usual stuff.

But there is a new wrinkle.

A campaign “professional” paid for by US Senator John Kerry and assigned as Mayor Baines’s campaign chairman, was caught in the act stealing political signs in the wee hours before the election.

This low-life was followed directly to the home of the State Democrat Party Chair Cathy Sullivan’s home at 192 S0. Mammoth Rd. All the while, he as jabbering away to someone on his cell phone as he darted in and out of intersections trying to out maneuver the Republicans following him.

The police showed up at the Sullivan home and caught the bandit, South Dakota resident Geoff Wetrosky, red-handed.

So CNHT did a little digging as we often do.

Our non-resident Geoff Wetrosky later voted in Ward 8 using Cathy Sullivan’s address at 192 South Mammoth Road!

So the sign stealer is a vote stealer as well.

Mr. Wetrosky is also known as a political activist who had in 1999 led a protest against Ollie North who spoke at the college Wetrosky attended.

Wetrosky has worked on other campaigns besides the Kerry for President campaign before showing up here in NH. In that regard he is typical of the hit-and-run types who soil our political primary when given a chance.

It was reported that Wetrosky had pleaded with police to let him go after they’d caught him with the signs, claiming that he was just going to be going back to his home in South Dakota in a few days. But instead, he stayed and voted in Manchester.

I wonder what the “Ethics” Governor thinks about his State Party Chair providing a free place to live for petty campaign criminals and vote-stealers?

Let the shabby excuses begin.

The Smoking Gun

Update: Wetrosky is now running Hillary Clinton’s campaign in South Dakota. When confronted with this NH story by a reporter, he lied again, and is on the record stating that he’d rented an apartment while in New Hampshire.