SANDOWN — Selectmen voted to adopt the policy of notifying homeowners in writing of any changes to their tax cards after the revaluation is complete.

Brenda Copp and Sandra Graves asked the board to affirm the policy voters approved in March.

“The first part of warrant article 19 just asks the town of Sandown to notify us when they make a change to our individual tax card, which results in changes to the amount of taxes we pay,” Copp told the board. “We feel we have the right to be notified before our tax bill comes out so that if it is an incorrect change, there is still time to correct it.”

She said she knew the board was concerned about the cost of such notification. She said the total cost would be 441/2 cents per card. Hampstead Print and Copy charges a $20 setup fee for the first order; then it would be $17.50 for 100 copies, Copp said.

The card would be two-sided. One side would simply state: “A change has been made to your tax card. Tax cards can be obtained at the Town Hall.” All that would need to be done would be to address, stamp and mail the card, she told the board.

“A card like this might have spotted the problems with former assessors much sooner,” she said. “It costs the town a lot more to process an abatement than it would to send a card.”

Selectman Nelson Rheaume said, “I spoke with Vision (Appraisal) today, and they intend to send a notification to anyone whose tax card has changes when they finish this phase of the revaluation process.”

Selectman Brian Chevalier said that wasn’t the intent of the article. It sought to have notification of any changes that happened after the revaluation had been finished, he said.