Has Governor Lynch broken his anti-broadbased tax pledge by signing the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative?

We found a WordPress blogger who thinks so.

July 11, 2008
Lynch Mob
by elcabra

John Lynch has introduced a broad based tax on New Hampshire and most of us don’t even know it. By signing up for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), Lynch will now be taxing us through our utility companies. The money earned by the state from energy providers in the form of carbon offsets, will raise the rates on electricity. So every home owner, renter, and business in New Hampshire, without exception, will be now hit hard by Lynch’s new shadow tax.

One justification in the independent report is that the extra income Cap and Trade provides to the state more than makes up for the increase to rate payers and could “even be used to offset the rate increase.” That’s right, it’s OK for the Democrats to make the rates go up because there might be some left over to give back. And I guess it’s also OK for the Governor to drive up the cost of everything else as businesses try to adjust for the increased cost of doing business at the expense of everyone in the state?

You know there is actually a reference somewhere – which I can’t seem to find – that claims this scam will increase jobs. Where, in the government? Between this and Lynch’s business taxes we’ll be lucky if we don’t lose jobs. Oh, but this is good for New Hampshire!

Democrats just don’t get that any money a state collects is extra. It all belongs to “The People!” The last thing this budget-obese administration needs is another feeding tube, and now, by laundering tax dollars through increased electric rates from the utility companies, any market changes in the cost of offsets will increase state income without any elected representative ever casting a single vote. This amounts to even less fiscal transparency in state government and can’t be much different from taxation without representation.

Governor Lynch has probably just violated your constitutional rights. I think he should pay for it.