From the Union Leader…

Manchester – The proposed city tax cap amendment will not be on the November ballot after a stalemate at City Hall ended at midnight and eliminated that possibility.

“It’s disappointing the largest city in the state, this body is ignoring the will of the people,” Mayor Frank Guinta said. “I think it’s sad.”

The board set another meeting for Monday at 5 p.m.

Eight Democratic aldermen locked horns with Guinta and voted down any attempt to put the issue on the general election ballot. The sponsors of the proposed tax cap said they will file an injunction in Hillsborough County North Superior Court Monday to force the issue unto the ballot.

Yesterday afternoon into last night, the two sides played a waiting game, digging in their heels. Guinta refused to let the aldermen leave until the midnight deadline passed to put the question on the Nov. 4 general election ballot.

By state law, a local governing body has seven days after the public hearing on a charter change or referendum to decide to place the issue on the ballot.

Aldermen took a series of 8-6 votes not to put the issue on the ballot and failed to override a Guinta veto of another 8-6 vote to adjourn until Monday to set a special election date to vote on the amendment.

The 8-6 votes were the same as the one aldermen took earlier this week to postpone the decision until last night.