According to Drew Cline’s blog, here is the answer NH Governor Lynch gave when asked how he would preserve the NH Advantage.

At the gubernatorial forum at NHIOP, John Lynch and Joe Kenney were asked what is their plan for maintaining and preserving the NH Advantage. Lynch said we have to be careful about doing anything that affects our quality of life. “But I think our real advantage has to do with our people,” Lynch said. Huh? Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine don’t have “wonderful people”? He then mentioned tax credits to attract businesses and improving education.

“We don’t have a revenue problem in New Hampshire, we have a spending problem,” Kenney said. “It’s become quite apparent that if we don’t get spending under control we’re going to kill the NH Advantage.” He said we need to repeal RGGI, which will increase business costs here. “We need to attract businesses here and not push them out.” He said, “I would put a staff person in the governor’s office to address business concerns in New Hampshire.”

On this one, I think Kenney got it; Lynch didn’t. Our people are our real NH Advantage? Come on. It’s our tax structure, governor. Surely as governor you know that.


Aside from “not getting it”, this observer saw Lynch dance around questions in a similar manner when he was debating Governor Benson back in 2004.