In a stunning denial of their oath of office, members of the House of Representatives today voted 216-150 (Yea) to defeat HCR 6, the bill that sought to reaffirm the US and NH Constitutions.

Click here to see who violated their oath of office.

A massive rally was held ahead of the vote and thousands showed up to support HCR 6.

Rep. Dan Itse (R) the bill’s sponsor, gave his testimony, which was then supported by Rep. Al Baldasaro (R) and others. According to Rep. Itse, the content of the bill is nothing that isn’t already law per our NH Constitution.

Representative Rollo from the Democrat side spoke against it citing a vote from YEARS ago when similar legislation was defeated.

In rebuttal, another Representative Jenn Coffey (R-Andover) stood up and challenged the hypocrisy shown when she reminded this same Democrat that he had voted to protect us against the Federal National ID legislation, a bill which had bipartisan support and was signed by the Governor.

The reaction from those observing in the gallery was not a favorable one. The gallery went CRAZY and was heard yelling things like “this isn’t over” and “we aren’t giving up”.

To be sure, these legislators will forever be tagged with the fact that they have essentially violated their oath of office, which they took, and which states they will uphold the NH Constitution.

Of those who voted against HCR 6, most were Democrats.

But see the names of some Republicans who did so as well…

In the past, taxpayers in NH have been witness to statements such as this one from Rep. Sandra Keans, formerly a Republican and now and Democrat, where she asserts that it ‘isn’t her job’ to uphold the Constitution.

Photos from the rally and gallery: