For Immediate Release April 10th, 2009
Media Contact: Matthew Murphy, Director
Phone: 603-475-8435

NHAC Calls on Governor Lynch and the New Hampshire Senate to kill the proposed $11.5 billion tax and spending plan.

Concord, NH- The New Hampshire Advantage Coalition (NHAC) calls on the New Hampshire Senate and Governor Lynch to kill the $11.5 billion budget passed on Wednesday and the approval of new taxes to fund this spending on Thursday. NHAC feels that a recession is the worst time to be raising taxes on the hard working families of the Granite State.

NHAC Chairman Mike Biundo stated “This is another example of the continued irresponsible spending by the current leadership in the house. The Governor needs to take a stand here. New Hampshire families and businesses are being forced to reduce their own expenses due to the economic downturn; why shouldn’t government do the same?” The proposed tax package approved yesterday creates a defacto income tax on capital gains of 5%, increases the tobacco tax by 35 cents in addition to the recent federal tax hike of 62 cents, increases the rooms and meals tax to 8.75%, taxes gambling winnings at 10%, increases the gas tax by 15 cents, and creates a death tax on New Hampshire residents in addition to downshifting costs to local communities. Biundo continued, “The New Hampshire Senate needs to adopt a budget that reflects the current economic realities, one that does not increases taxes, creates new taxes, or shifts more costs onto local property taxes payers”.

NHAC director Matthew Murphy stated “Governor Lynch and should personally and immediately state his opposition to this proposed tax plan as clearly as he has stated his commitment against a sales or income tax”. He continued “The budget and the taxes created to fund this increased spending only continues the pattern of overspending funded by the creation of new taxes and repeated increases on existing taxes, it seems that the current leadership is out of touch, The people of New Hampshire want the tax relief and their government responds by spending and taxing more of their hard earned money”. The budget and tax package now go to the NH Senate for approval.

NHAC will be holding a Taxpayer Tea Party in Manchester on April 15th @ 5:30 pm in Victory Park. “The timing of this Tea Party couldn’t be better, taxpayers need to stand up now more than ever. We need to send a strong message to those in government that they are spending too much and taxing too much.” concluded Biundo