I love the internet. It saves everything, including this…

“Jeanne Shaheen believes it’s time to stop Washington’s runaway spending and end special interest giveaways.”

I’ll wait till you stop laughing. Take your time…

Jeanne ran on this. I’m not kidding. Well, who runs on “we’re going to spend more freakin’ money than anyone ever.” Lets be real. You have to lie. Anyway, this is NOT still available at her campaign site. (Don’t worry Jeanne, I saved it.) Everyone else should have gone there and captured some history for themselves. There’s just so much we could talk about. And you can never have too much proof can you?

So, Senator Shaheen. (Deep sigh.) I’d be interested in how this “promise” holds up against the Obamulus, the Omnibus earmark bill, and the Obamabudget, which represent — in your short time in the Senate — more spending and giveaways than anyone ever?

Were you trying to polish up your liberal resume because I don’t think it needed the boost.

Here’s two more.

Make sure any spending increases are offset.

Crack down on earmarks and eliminate no-bid contracts by requiring open, competitive bids for every government contract.

Again with the laughing, crying, yeah I know.

Well, I’m not going to be unfair. You’ve still got 5 years and 7 months to work on your batting average, but don’t feel bad if we’re a bit disappointed with your performance so far. It’s not as if you’ve even tried. You’ve kind of just voted with the majority, sort of like we predicted.

But there is this. If you vote against and or cut everything between now and 2012 you still won’t get back to how much Sununu spent — that has to include every penny anyone named Sununu ever spent on anything in the entirety of human history by the way — but it might help.

So good luck with that. We’ll be watching.


Steve MacDonald is one of three co-hosts of NH Taxpayer Radio heard on Thursday nights from 6-8:00 PM on WLMW 90.7 FM and streaming on the web.