According to this guest article in Seacoast Online, the Democrats have no shame. Apparently, accomplishments include raising your taxes 38 times…

Proud of the work the N.H. House Democrats have accomplished
By Terie Norelli

With the passage of a responsible and balanced state budget, the 2009 session of the New Hampshire Legislature has drawn to a close. In the midst of the worst recession in modern memory, Democrats in the House were able to accomplish many great things for the people of this state.

Although there was a significant amount of media attention focused on marriage equality throughout the legislative session, Democrats also made history in several other areas. Be it creating jobs, protecting working families, promoting equality, or fully funding education, I am very proud of the progress we have made in just six short months.

In order to ease the burden many New Hampshire families are facing due to the tough national economy, Democrats worked with the federal government to secure an additional $21 million for unemployment benefits. Shoring up the unemployment compensation fund will have a direct and positive impact on many who are currently struggling to find work and provide for their families, and ensure that some of our most vulnerable citizens are able to stay above water in these tough times.

Democratic legislators also fought to protect working families by passing a bill that requires employers to give advance notice to employees of plant closings and layoffs. This legislation is critically important, as it will not only ensure that workers will receive their final paycheck, but also that their health insurance premiums are paid on time.

Working with the Governor, we were also able to put New Hampshire’s stimulus dollars to use right away. This will have a positive impact in all corners of our state — it will ensure we can fix our roads and bridges, invest in our schools, and most importantly put people back to work.

And one of our most significant accomplishments that has gone relatively unnoticed in the press was the passage of the education accountability legislation — which capped three years of hard work by Democrats on education funding. For the first time in decades, the state is not facing any lawsuits from cities, towns, or school districts, and it is because of the hard work of House members that this is possible.

Since January, House Democrats have been working hard to address the numerous issues facing our state. From fixing our economy to coming up with a budget compromise, we have spent the last several months putting in countless hours and making tough decisions.

I am honored to lead the New Hampshire House and proud of what we have been able to accomplish during these most trying circumstances.

Teri Norelli is a resident of Portsmouth and the speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives.