NH Department of Revenue to “Hear” Rules for NEW LLC Tax

You may remember that at the 11th hour during the budget battle this past June, the Legislature, with the blessing of Governor Lynch, instituted a new tax on Limited Liability Corps. (LLC’s), by extending the dividends tax to them. To add injury to insult, the 10,000 or so businesses in the state, which will be hit with the new tax, never even had the opportunity to voice their opinion on the matter before it was passed – there was never a public hearing on it.

On December 16th, at 10am in the DRA training room, DRA officials will be holding a public hearing on the new proposed rules for the new tax. The DRA is located at 109 Pleasant St. in Concord We are calling on as many members of the small business community as possible, to show up to the public hearing to make your opinion on this new tax known! If you know someone who owns a small business, please forward along this information to them!