Also Calls on Jeff Goley To Denounce His Party’s Secret Briefing On Disastrous Small Business Income Tax

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Republican State Committee today filed public records requests with Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) Commissioner Kevin Clougherty, House Speaker Terri Norelli, Senate President Sylvia Larsen, House Ways and Means Chair Susan Almy, Senate Ways and Means Vice-Chair Lou D’Alessandro and Senator Jackie Cilley regarding their recent backroom briefing on the disastrous LLC tax. According to documents obtained by the NH GOP, Speaker Norelli personally arranged a secret meeting on Wednesday between Commissioner Clougherty and Democrat members of the Senate and House Ways and Means Committees and the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules. Republican members of the committees and the general public were intentionally excluded.

“The Lynch Administration’s repeated attempts to conceal their negotiations on this job-killing small business income tax are both appalling and inexcusable. First the Democrats’ slipped this disastrous tax into the budget at the 11th hour without debate, then they denied southern New Hampshire a chance to discuss this tax at a public hearing and now they are relegating the final discussions on this tax to the backrooms of the State House,” said NH GOP Communications Director Ryan Williams. “The Lynch Administration’s complete disregard for transparency during this process smacks of the corruption displayed by the Democrat in Washington during their rush to pass their disastrous health care agenda. New Hampshire residents deserve better from their elected leaders.”

In addition to requesting all records regarding the clandestine meeting, the NH GOP also called on State Senate candidate Jeff Goley to immediately denounce the Democrat Leadership’s disgraceful behavior.

“Jeff Goley blindly followed orders from the Democrat Leadership and voted for this disastrous small business income tax. Now it’s time for him to stand up and denounce the arrogance and irresponsibility being displayed by the Democrat Majorities in Concord,” said William