UPDATE: There will be a House Education Committee subcommitee work session on February 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM in LOB 207. We still say that this bill is NOT NEEDED, but if it passes, should only pass WITH THE AMENDMENT that provides for NO DISCRIMINATION about which groups are ‘protected’.

Anti-Bullying legislation (HB 1523) proponents from NEA at the January 19, 2010 hearing objected to an amendment that would have made all bullying against the rules and eliminated a list of specific groups cited as ‘protected’. The argument presented for the amendment was, that anti-bullying should be applied equally to all and we agree. If this agreement cannot be reached, then the bill should be ITL’d completely. It is due OUT OF COMMITTEE on February 18, 2010.

Frankly, we don’t understand why legislation is necessary to prevent this behavior when bullying should come under the heading of discipline in schools and teachers should be given the power to enforce any and all disciplinary rules.

Please contact the House Education Committee and request they OPPOSE this bill.

According to the Keene Sentinel: During the legislative session that begins in January, the Education Committee of the New Hampshire House of Representatives will consider a bill to amend RSA 193-F, the Pupil Safety and Violence Protection Act. This is the section of our education laws that deals specifically with pupil harassment, or “bullying.”

Since last spring, a group of parents, educators, legislators, school administrators, school board members, child development specialists and advocates, lawyers, the N.H. Department of Education, and other community leaders, has worked to address deficiencies in the current law. They have added specificity in defining the behaviors the law seeks to remedy and they have more clearly delineated minimum components each school must have in its policy.

On January 7, 2010 there will be an RSA 193-F Revision Meeting to discuss the public testimony and proposed law about BULLYING in NH’s public schools.

This website has been cited for information. Rep. Donna Schlachman (D-Rockingham District #13, Exeter, North Hampton and Stratham) is the prime sponsor of this legislation.

While we agree that bullying should be controlled, parents should keep an eye on which groups will then be allowed to sponsor any bullying programs… as they are often an excuse to promote an agenda.

Related: Why Can’t This Be an Ordinary Disciplinary Issue?

““Bullying is an issue that undoubtedly exists in every school, but with awareness, effective policies and communication among educators, parents and students, it is an issue that is far from being unpreventable,” said Hartford, the student representative for Bully Free NH. Many students in the state feel their safety and education are hindered by the cruelty of others, Hartford said.

“Unfortunately, many of these situations go unnoticed or mishandled due to a lack of strict policy enforcement, and a common understanding among educators, parents and students about what bullying actually entails,” she said.”