On Thursday, February 18, 2010 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Attorneys John Bisson and John Cronin will speak about LLC Tax during a Public Discussion Forum in the Auditorium of the Manchester City Library, East 405 Pine Street, Manchester, NH.

The Auditorium is on the Lower Level of the Manchester City Library and can be accessed through the Library itself via its Main Entrance on Pine Street or via the auditorium entrance itself on Amherst Street.

This event is open to the public. The seating capacity is 175 persons so it is asked that you RSVP to Paula Tarr at llctaxforums@yahoo.com on/by Thursday, February 11 to be assured a seat. (But we’re sure there is still room so contact Paula if you are interested.)

Parking is available on-street or in the Victory Parking Garage at 25 Vine Street.