Is there anything these folks don’t want to tax or control or outright outlaw? We can’t blame the Democrats for this one however.
This would be hard to believe if not seen here in SB 46:
AN ACT relative to air quality violations for outdoor fires.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Section; Outdoor Fires. Amend RSA 125-C by inserting after section 10-c the following new section:
125-C:10-d Outdoor Fires. No person shall operate any outdoor fire or burning device if an abutting residence is located less than 300 feet from the fire or device and the smoke plume from such fire or device crosses the property line.
I guess this means anyone with a gas grille would be breaking the law, even in suburban areas.
There is no hearing date set yet for the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee but one will be posted as we get it.