Here are the phone and fax numbers of your Representatives, Senators, and Governors who will make the decisions about Refugee Resettlement in the United States. Tell them what you want now, before it is too late for your voice to be heard. Our safety should be our representatives’ only concern. Our country should be taking care of our veterans rather than “refugees”. Over 10,000 veterans commit suicide every year. What about our homeless?
1. No more resettlement of Mideast “refugees” and other suspected radicals/terrorists-from any country, to our country and states.
2. Protect our southern borders from the invasion of illegal aliens. Provide increased protection for our northern borders from radicals and illegal aliens.
3. “Refugees” cannot be vetted according to the FBI, so stop lying to us.
4. Defund our state resettlement funds.
5. Defund our national resettlement funding that is in the budget to be voted on in Dec. 2015. That will provide the funding for the Mideast “refugees” and other illegals.
6. No more food stamps, welfare or any other public support programs for the “refugees” or illegal aliens.
7. Repeal the 1980 Refugee Resettlement Act created by Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden which aligned our policies concerning immigration with the UN. This law gives the President, HHS, Homeland Security and the State Department the authority to choose “refugees” for us and in conjunction with the UN decide where to place them in our states and country. Hillary Clinton worked with the UN High Commissioner of Refugees- Gutierrez from Portugal to do this while she was Secretary of State.
We are being taken over by the UN, their American supporters and their global mission. We need to be protected, secure and maintain our sovereignty.