Tony Schinella of Patch, with the help of Ed Naile, has done a 3-part story on the failure of our Attorney General to follow up on evidence supplied to his office that might have led to uncovering voter fraud in New Hampshire. Read his reports here:
Investigation of Voter Affidavit Fraud Abandoned by NH AG
Past voter fraud incidents may never be known due to thousands of affidavits from voters without IDs in 2012, 2014, sitting in boxes.
Project Veritas Action: We Never Heard from Investigators
NH AG subpoenaed video of poll workers reportedly encouraging out-of-state voting, Sanders campaign workers, and then, nothing happened.
Tax Activist: AG’s Investigations Have Been ‘Laughable’
Ed Naile of the CNHT has given up handing over documents to investigators because of their alleged sloppy, inconsistent work.
THIS WEEK on the RADIO: Making the Case for Voter Fraud Investigation