by Ed Naile

The year 2016 in New Hampshire General Elections is a banner year for voter fraud investigations and prosecutions by the NH AG’s Elections Unit. There is a heaping handful of cases.

Let us look at one indictment for wrongful voting that was recently in the news.

Mary Katherine Lowndes once of Connecticut, never NH, and recently, Washington DC.

Her new address is: 99 BLAIR ALLEY SW WASHINGTON, DC 20024. No Unit # I could find.

After voting from the shopping center in 2016 and 2018, Lowndes moved to a new multi-family building in DC with monthly rent of $5,800. As a Federal employee that is affordable.

Lowndes registered in DC after voting in 2016 and 2018 from an address in Derry. Here are her new DC registration details: Voter ID Number 190017989 Date Registered 06/29/2019.

The address Mary K. Lowndes gave Derry, NH election officials, was that of a shopping center, not a residence she could claim was her lawful domicile. And as with 6,500 other new out-of-state voters from Election Day alone, she most likely used her Ct. driver’s license as proof of who she was. Lowndes, along with 5,313 other same-day/new voters – never got a NH driver’s license, that I can tell.

The shopping center address would be a tip-off to election officials who are under orders from the NH AG’s Office, to let everyone vote, ID or not. I believe this mandate came from former US Attorney, Eric Holder. Activists in other states have shown me similar wording from AG’s in their states.

Let’s get down to how Lowndes got caught. It is said NH used a, dreaded by Democrats, crosscheck program. One such check several years ago showed 94,000 people with the same name and birth date – registered in another state. You would have to believe many people have the exact same name and birth date and registered to vote.

So far, standard stuff.

Why was Lowndes here in 2016 and why a shopping center?
Here is my observation.

The shopping center address Lowndes used is a one minute walk from the 2016 Hillary Clinton Derry campaign office.

Looks like Mary wanted to help Clinton get elected and got herself all excited, working with the next president of the united states, almost. Lowndes appears to have some organizing skills she puts to use in the Peace Corps, but she is not, as is often the case with elites, not too bright when it comes to voter fraud. Giving a false address in a Federal election is a crime, US Code 54: 10307.

Now, with the limited public documents New Hampshire allows citizens to see I can only guess this is the case with Mary Katherine Lowndes.

And since we cave come this far in inciting this highly paid Federal employee, I would ask the NH AG’s Unit to investigate how long she was here. Most skilled campaign workers come to NH from other state’s campaigns and work here for months.

That begs the question:

Did the Peace Corps pay Mary Katherine Lowndes for the time she was here campaigning? I know this is a fact with other interstate voters. Lowndes does have a history of volunteering with the Peace Corps – but a 57-year-old with a $5,800 a month rent bill?

The vote thieves from AmeriCorps in 2000 who rode the AmeriCorps bus to Deerfield, with the AmeriCorps driver, benefited from a paid, organized trip to vote illegally. No arrests, no matter how hard Deerfield officials tried to get the powers that be to do their job, means – zero evidence of who organized voter fraud and who paid for it.

Funny how that has been the case for 20 years.

Now is the time for the Elections Unit to follow through, or a real governor to clean the place out.
Lowndes was also registered in her home state of CT. while this was going on. Officials from her last domicile sent me her voting history records, something in NH we citizens are not allowed to see:

Voter Information – Residence Address – Enrollment Information
Date Changed – Last Name – First Name – Middle Name – Suffix
05/21/2012 – Lowndes – Mary – Kate

Change Date Number Street Unit City State Zip Code

05/21/2012 11 Deerwood Drive Granby CT 06035- 2014
01/24/2007 11 Deerwood Drive Granby CT 06035- 0000
08/17/2005 115 Simsbury Road Granby CT 06090- 1605
Date Changed Party Name ( From – To )
12/12/2012 Democratic – Independent

Change Audit
History Type Change Date Change Reason Changed User ID Type of Change
06/02/2020 12:32 AM Change 06/02/2020 CVR No Reply SS20B6DA Status
Election Date Election Type How Voted
05/12/2015 Referendum In Person
11/04/2014 General In Person
05/13/2014 Referendum In Person
11/05/2013 General In Person
07/16/2013 Referendum In Person
11/06/2012 General In Person
11/08/2011 General In Person
11/02/2010 General In Person
08/10/2010 Primary Absentee
11/03/2009 General In Person
05/18/2009 Referendum In Person
05/04/2009 Referendum In Person
11/04/2008 General In Person
02/05/2008 Primary In Person
11/06/2007 General In Person
11/07/2006 General In Person
05/18/2006 Special In Person
11/08/2005 General In Person
11/02/2004 General In Person

History Date Type Move Code Action Notice Sent Returned By Return Date
01/30/2020 NCOA Out of Town Inactive 04/29/2020 Not Returned 06/02/2020
Select Change Date User Type Change Reason Type of Change
Date Changed User Memo Description