by Ed Naile

I was invited to speak to the Mount Washington Valley Republican Committee (MWVRC) about the history of voter fraud, and how to combat it, last night at the Lobster Trap restaurant in North Conway. And the place was packed.

Apparently, this has been the case recently.

(They bought me a GREAT Greek Salad, if you are up that way, stop in. The Lobster Trap is just down River Road. You will see signs.)


If you are from out of state and intending to use an address of a summer home or rental to vote in New Hampshire’s Mount Washington Valley, consider this.

This group has gathered checklists from surrounding towns and is starting a database to be able to contact voters and welcome new legal voters.

They also have started an online newspaper The New Hampshire Times.

Love it.

The questions asked by the attendees were spot on. People were animated and bent on success – not grousing as some groups tend to do.

I tried to let them know that counting on NH’s public officials to protect their vote is a frustrating dead end. It will be up to individuals like the ones who showed up last night and friends they can involve.

This is a fight worth being involved in. Your right to vote is equal to your right to protect your vote. The MWVRC crowd gets it.