Dear Rep. Smith (R-Charlestown)

Many NH voters are appalled at the creation of this new committee mentioned in this article.

Affordable housing issue front and center ahead of NH House session

This is a second committee to vet housing bills outside of the normal House Municipal and County Government Committee which usually takes care of this issue. That said, this committee and the “Special Committee on Housing” are nothing more than taxpayer-funded lobbies intended to rubber stamp housing bills and should be disallowed.

You also cited a Saint Anselm College poll of just 755 people that claims that 75% wanted more high-density housing. The poll did not tell those poll participants that these initiatives by the state to force high-density on the towns would RAISE THEIR TAXES, as some have already done.

Please reconsider this as it is NOT very Republican to let the state mandate housing for the towns who should determine where and what they want for housing.

Bedford Residents Assn