Updated Bill List: https://www.cnht.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Bill_Watch2025.pdf
Look Up a Bill: https://gc.nh.gov/bill_Status/quickSearch.aspx
House Testimony Portal: https://gc.nh.gov/house/committees/remotetestimony/
Senate Testimony Portal: https://gc.nh.gov/remotecommittee/senate.aspx
House Committee Addresses: https://gc.nh.gov/house/committees/standingcommittees.aspx
Senate Committee Addresses: https://gc.nh.gov/senate/committees/senate_committees.aspx
(New) Full House Addresses: https://www.cnht.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/House_Only2025.xls
(New) Full Senate Addresses: https://www.cnht.org/news/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Senate_Only2025.xls
You can still send your testimony on any bills for which the committees (in bold or red) have not yet voted.
SUPPORT HB149 – Title: This bill allows both the original and amended warrant article to be voted on by voters at ballot referenda forms of town meeting. https://gc.nh.gov/bill_Status/pdf.aspx?id=4698&q=billVersion
Municipal and County Government: Executive Session: 02/10/2025 02:00 pm LOB 301-303
OPPOSE SB279 – Allows housing champion communities to participate in a business loan program administered by the business finance authority and makes an appropriation to fund such loans. Makes an appropriation to the department of business and economic affairs for deposit in the housing champion designation and grant program fund.
Senate Commerce: Public Hearing: 02/11/2025, Room 100, SH, 10:15 am; SC 9
OPPOSE HB342 – This bill allows property owners to build on their property without seeking a variance for minimum lot size or lot coverage if the proposed building density conforms to that of the surrounding
neighborhood, as verified by the local planning board.
House Housing: Subcommittee Work Session: 02/11/2025 02:00 pm LOB 305
OPPOSE HB382 – This bill eliminates the authority of municipalities to adopt or enforce regulations that mandate minimum parking requirements. https://gc.nh.gov/bill_Status/pdf.aspx?id=5895&q=billVersion
House Housing: Full Committee Work Session: 02/11/2025 10:00 am LOB 305
OPPOSE HB530 – Title: increasing the amount of revenue transfered from the real estate transfer tax to the affordable housing fund. https://gc.nh.gov/bill_Status/pdf.aspx?id=6492&q=billVersion
House Ways and Means Committee: Executive Session: 02/11/2025 02:00 pm LOB 202-204
OPPOSE HB577 – This bill expands accessory dwelling units by right to include detached units, adds definitions related to accessory dwelling units, and increases the maximum square footage.
House Housing: Full Committee Work Session: 02/11/2025 10:00 am LOB 305
OPPOSE HB631 – This bill allows multifamily or mixed-use developments as a permitted use by right in certain urban municipalities, outlines specific zoning regulations that cannot be imposed on such developments, and provides definitions for key terms. https://gc.nh.gov/bill_Status/pdf.aspx?id=6835&q=billVersion
House Housing: Full Committee Work Session: 02/11/2025 10:00 am LOB 305
OPPOSE HB685 – This bill updates the definition of manufactured housing, and establishes the requirement that manufactured housing must be permitted in all residential zoned areas within every municipality in
the state, overriding any local zoning ordinances that prohibit or unreasonably restrict its placement. (modular homes, trailers?) https://gc.nh.gov/bill_Status/pdf.aspx?id=7340&q=billVersion
House Housing: Full Committee Work Session: 02/11/2025 10:00 am LOB 305
NO SB188 – Allows independent third-parties, hired by the property owner, to inspect land, buildings, and structures to determine compliance with state and local building codes and establishes private providers as an alternative to local enforcement agencies for conducting building code inspections and plan reviews.
Senate Executive Departments and Administration: Committee Report: Ought to Pass. BEFORE FULL VOTE on 02/13/2025 ask the Senators to vote NO on OTP.