Update: Please help reinforce this message of protecting local control by contacting your state representatives and asking them to kill CACR 14.
A copy of the amendment can be found here:
Passage would be a blow to local control
The Senate voted on CACR 14, a constitutional amendment which eliminates local control of education. They voted to pass the measure by a 16 to 8 vote.
Sen. Jim Forsythe spoke out strongly against the constitutional amendment and encouraged his colleagues to help protect local control. He voted against CACR 14 along with three other Republicans (Sens. Carson and Rausch) and four Democrats (Sens. Kelly, Larsen, D’Allesandro, Houde, and Merrill).
Two more votes against the measure and it would have failed.
CACR 14 now goes to the House while CACR 12 will cross over to the Senate. Both measures will get another public hearing, committee vote, and floor vote. PLEASE support those who are against the measure, and target those who failed to support local control.
Ask these (Rs) why they voted to pass CACR 14:
John Gallus
Jeanie Forrester
Jeb Bradley
Fenton Groen
Bob Odell
Andy Sanborn
Ray White
Peter Bragdon
Jim Luther
Gary Lambert
David Boutin
John Barnes, Jr.
Tom De Blois
Chuck Morse
Russell Prescott
Nancy Stiles