by Ed Naile

I have to admit I almost feel a tiny bit of empathy for the hapless Windsor Selectmen who have asked the Hillsboro Superior Court to give them an opportunity for a Special Meeting to immediately raise enough money to pay the NH State Police for patrolling the special community they created and love so much.

Looks like October 15th will be the big day down in Manchester. Once again the Windsor Selectmen will be splain’n to de judge their sorry state of affairs – no money left for riot quelling, undisturbing the peace disturbers, and most of all, conducting the reckless in a less reckless manner. At $60.00 per hour for troopers it can add up on a small town.

Will some local hero or heroin in Windsor file an “OBJECTION TO REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL MEETING” with the Court? Maybe, who knows what will happen.

This is once again Boston Globe material from what I can see.

Here is the sub-plot to the never ending story:

Town officials have to keep town finances according to state statutes – never happened.

Town Officials must report to State so State can set tax rate – didn’t happen.

State DRA set tax rates – now how did THAT happen?

Taxpayers call CNHT – S… happens.

Town gets audited from May to… – still happening.

Town Officials have chance to do the right thing – nothing happens.

Now you have the short story.

Stay tuned for a post-hearing update and more banjo music.