by Ed Naile
The paper in Concord claims to have found some disenfranchised voters!
Ray Duckler Henniker Voters Have No Vote of Confidence
Ah, but as usual with NH election laws, the print media, and voting, the facts are not facts.
One couple living in a seasonal campground has complained to a reporter about the Town of Henniker not letting them vote. They complain about an attempt they made in 2010 but have not details about who would not let them vote.
Another couple who live in the same campground are currently on the checklist but wee not sure they were.
So, the point of the story?
The Coalition of NH Taxpayers investigates voter fraud all over NH linking the non-resident voters to their real domicile in their home state and the laws regarding residency they violate by voting here.
The Concord paper seems fascinated by some voters who actually live in NH and who claim to be disenfranchised.
Isn’t it surprising that the NH ACLU and League of Women Voters did not take up the supposed disenfranchised Henniker voters cause but chose to file a case in Strafford Superior Court arguing that non-resident college students had a right to be “mobile domiciled” and able to keep their residency in their home state but use NH just for voting.
That case is still pending: Hannah Rivers v. NH.