The Forum – McGann Hearing Sidetracked, Then Continued

Five more hours of testimony on Wednesday, November 12, still did not bring the public hearing on the firing of SAU #44 Superintendent Judith McGann to a close. The hearing, which will be reconvened on December 1 at 6:00 pm at the Northwood School, has strayed far from the initial charges against McGann.

These were almost forgotten as testimony focused on the grant writing and administration process, the privacy of SPED records, a discussion of the handling of harassment charges against former business manager William Tappan by the Title IX administrator, the relationship between a former SAU treasurer and a bookkeeper, and just about everything but McGann herself and the charges against her. The actual charges brought by the SAU’s attorney Edward Kaplan in his opening statement–that she failed to abide by SAU rules, was insubordinate and incompetent—got lost in the “kitchen sinking” of the cross examination of witnesses who clearly supported McGann.

McGann herself will be the final witness on her behalf. There is some possibility that the SAU’s attorney will bring forth a rebuttal witness, before the summations by both sides. The joint SAU #44 Board will then deliberate and either confirm their original decision or reinstate McGann.

A detailed report on the hearing to date will be available soon.