This is the woman who was seen on video giving advice to potential voters at Nashua Ward 4.
Please help us identify her.

“MANCHESTER — The Attorney General’s Office has launched an investigation into a video that claimed to show how easy it was to skirt the state’s photo ID voting law on primary day.

“We’re going to be looking at it from all angles and there is some conduct we may need to follow up on,” Assistant Attorney General Stephen Labonte said Thursday. He said there could be potential violations of state election laws.”

According to this Union Leader – AG to Investigate Polling Video article, this was said regarding some of the individuals shown on the video:

“The New Hampshire Union Leader also learned that two people identified as Nashua poll workers — shown giving advice on how to register and vote on primary day even though the undercover would-be voter told them he didn’t live there — weren’t actual election workers.

“We don’t know who they are,” Nashua City Clerk Patricia Piecuch told the New Hampshire Union Leader. “Neither of them are either elected or appointed election officials.”