by Ed Naile

The country of Sri Lanka is in the process of adopting a “Right to Know Law” by an act of Parliament.

It will be a first for this small country where journalists have been stabbed and beaten in the pursuit of news and information.
Thilina Alahakon from the Young Catholic Journalists movement and Colombo Archdiocese-run Ganartha Pradeepaya newspaper said the bill would make the government more transparent and accountable to the people.

“The bill will benefit all irrespective of religion and ethnicity,” said Alahakon. “When the public gets a legal right to know all the things that’s happening, there is no room for corruption and bribery and injustice,” he said.

Representatives from Sri Lanka met with The Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers,, several weeks ago while on an information seeking mission here in NH. They spent an hour in the CNHT office getting first-hand information as to how our Right to Know Law, RSA 91-A works at the municipal and state level.

This meeting between Sri Lankan representatives and CNHT is part of an ongoing effort by:
The World Affairs Council of New Hampshire
Southern New Hampshire University – Ford House
2500 N. River Road – Manchester – NH – 03106 – (603) 314-7970