JACKSON, N.H. — Some residents of Jackson said they were surprised to learn that the town’s tax collector has not been paying his own property taxes.

According to town records, tax collector Bill Botsford owes taxes and interest dating back to 2006. It’s not illegal to not pay property taxes, but some residents said the news that Botsford hadn’t paid was a surprise.

“He’s our tax collector we elected, and he hasn’t paid his taxes,” resident Bill Wogisch said.
Public town records show that Botsford owes $2,830.

“My taxes are paid. His should be, too,” resident Susan May said.

Botsford isn’t the only resident who is at least two years late paying property taxes. But Wogisch said his position in the town means he should be held to a higher standard.

“It’s not illegal, but morally, it’s not right,” Wogisch said. “Who are you to tell me I have to pay taxes when you don’t pay yours?

Botsford could not be reached for comment. Town Clerk Tracey Scranton said that he has been a dedicated employee for the 13 years he has served as tax collector.

“He’s always been great to work with and very accommodating to members of the town and town officials,” Scranton said.

Town selectmen did not wish to speak on camera but said they understand that residents, including the tax collector, can fall on tough financial times and struggle with payments.

Selectmen said there are no immediate plans for forcing Botsford to step down. They said he has been with Jackson for years, and they plan to address the issue as respectfully as possible.