This is an open letter to Rep. Betsey Patten.

I have just learned of a bill (HB-0072) that you authored requiring an increase by 1000% the number of voters at a town meeting needed to request a private vote on any particular article, making it virtually impossible for a secret ballot/private vote. How duplicitous of you to make this covert attempt to essentially steal the rights of town meeting attendees across NH to petition for a private vote. As a representative of Moultonborough both as selectman and as a member of the NH General Court you have betrayed those who have supported you to date. If ever there was a need to have the voting initiative SB2, it is now. You have made clear the reason why New Hampshire voters need to seriously get behind SB2 and protect their rights to a private vote.

At last town meeting (March ’08) a group of voters legally and reasonably petitioned to have each spending article over $100,000 voted on by secret ballot. The issues at that town meeting were huge and the consequences potentially disastrous, considering the present economic trends. The Moderator and those of you on the dais were obviously very troubled, even offended, as it posed a delay in your schedule. Is democracy, under your rules, to be set aside for a more expedient method of having your way with the taxpayer? No, Representative Patten, it is not. This is bad legislation and I hope that your constituents in Moultonborough, Tuftonboro and Wolfeboro are made aware of the actions you have taken against their voting rights. Further, as a consequence of this one incident at Moultonborough town meeting, you are attempting to push through legislation that would affect voters all across the State of New Hampshire… a vengeful and vindictive effort by any observer.

The good folks of the State of New Hampshire will decide for themselves if it feels good to be further giving up their voting rights as you would have them do.

To the voters and taxpayers of Moultonborough, Why is it that voting in a booth throughout the day or by absentee ballot is OK for election of town and state officials and state mandated articles of the warrant, but not for spending issues?

We all know the truth is that town meetings are stacked with those most affected by spending articles. Anyone that wants to raise their hand against a particular article benefiting those affected sets themselves up for intimidation by their neighbors, customers, friends and, yes, even teachers of their kids. Intimidation is the name of the game. They speak so emotionally against SB2 because they fear the power of the secret ballot. They fear SB2 so much they attempted to change the entire governance of Moultonborough by suggesting a “Charter Town form of governance” be looked into after we achieved some 58% of the 60% of the votes needed for passing SB2 last year. There is only one town in the state that has gone through the agonizing effort of establishing a “Charter Town”. By contrast, well over half of the population of NH has opted for SB2 for their towns and school districts, with no setbacks in freedoms… like taking away secret ballot voting.

Taxpayers and voters alike contact your state representative (even if it is Ms. Patten) and tell them this is bad legislation. You can find these folks and how to contact them on the web at

This bad legislation may be coming to a town near you.

Rick Heath


Related Post: Private Voting Under Assault