Please spread this to other parents in the MVRSD.

There is still time to question the Merrimack Valley School District about their intention to spend extra money on a program called International Baccalaureate. [They have since adopted it]

This program was created and is supported by UNESCO and is administered out of Geneva, Switzerland. Its mission statement includes support for the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, among others. You can view those documents and more on the UN’s website. [The UDHR seeks to supersede the Constition]

Please note #29 on the UDHR — rights are bestowed by the UN and are NOT birthrights.

IB as it’s called, admittedly has, first and foremost, a political agenda which promotes UN governance over and above US governance.

It is crucial that all parents attend these hearings to question the financial impact of creating a UN-approved “IB School” of the whole MVRSD. Please visit all links in this article to explore what all these things may mean.

Please encourage all parents to attend the hearings on the 20th and 21st of January, 2009.

December 11, 2008

Present: Chris Barry, Lynn Bouchard, Ray Carpenter, Bruce Currie, Joanne Davis, Sandy Davis, Sarah Ford, Kathleen Graham, Jim Gorman, Pam Hill, Peg Halacy, Linda Kimball, Cathy Klapproth Natalie Lepore, Mike Martin, Katherine Masterson, Suzanne Morgan, Tracey Murch, Pat Severance, Tracey Stevens, Nancy Webster.

The committee reviewed the final draft of the IB presentation and heard feedback from those members who presented to the school board ( Kathleen Graham, Ray Bailey, Bruce Currie, Lynn Bouchard and Cathy Klapproth) and those who presented to the high school parent advisory group.(Kathleen Graham, Sarah Ford, Tracey Stevens, Pam Hill, and Jim Gorman). Amendments were made to the sequence of the activities and to member assignments. The importance of the teacher voice and the role of the teachers in each presentation were discussed. Teachers in each building will welcome, set the purpose and describe their personal experiences with IB before introducing the presenters. A script for the presentation emailed to all members. Host schools are responsible for distributing the invitation, preparing the space and encouraging colleagues to attend the presentation. A flier will be emailed for individual schools to add the date, time and place. Ideas for encouraging parent turnout were shared. The meeting dates were confirmed:

January 8 Loudon
January 14 Boscawen
January 15 Salisbury/Webster at Webster
January 20 Penacook
January 21 MS/HS at the high school

The Steering Committee will meet again after the parent presentations.

Bow has rejected the program. Gilford has also rejected this program: International Baccalaureate Program (IB) — Is it worth the cost?