January 22, 2009
Seacoast Online

This letter to the editor sums up nicely why it is so essential for everyone, not just North Hampton residents, to attend town and school meetings this spring. This is where you can control spending and taxes. Just DO IT.

Absence from town session may cost $530K

How can eating too much chili cost the taxpayers of North Hampton more than $530,000? Choose to eat 45 bowls of chili at a chili cook-off in lieu of participating in any part of the North Hampton deliberative session on Jan. 31 and a small percentage of our taxpayers (historically fewer than 50 citizens) could vote to increase or decrease the town’s proposed 2009/2010 budget of $5,302,538 by upwards of 10 percent, or more than $530,000.

This budget includes your town administrative services, fire department, police department, highways and roads, cemeteries, library, social services, recycling center, and much more, including funding for the outstanding array of recreational activities all of our families have come to enjoy and appreciate over the years.

Some people would love to add $500,000 to the budget for town services. This would have a big affect on your taxes. Some people would love to reduce the budget another $500,000. This will have an effect on the level of service we have come to enjoy and expect. Some people may believe the selectboard and the budget committee found the proper balance between fiscal responsibility and level of services. What do you think? The deliberative session is a unique forum where every citizen has the right to question the fiscal decisions made by their elected budget and select board committee members. The deliberative session is one of the most democratic forums in our government; a forum where a small commitment of time can have a direct effect your finances.

Citizens are welcome to participate in the deliberative session Saturday, Jan. 31, at 8:30 a.m. in the North Hampton Elementary School cafeteria. Citizens are also welcome to participate in the town school’s deliberative session Feb. 3, at 7 p.m. in the school cafeteria. The school budget is slightly more than $7,600,000.

Jim Maggiore
North Hampton