Your representatives in government are preparing to levy a tax on everything. Everything that’s made, everything that’s motorized, everything you use or eat or buy. You’ll be taxed more every time you travel, whether it’s to work, to see friend, or to go on vacation. It will make it more expensive to make everything and use everything. It will add to the cost of medical care, to entertainment and to operating government at every level. That means you will even see this tax added as increased costs to your other taxes.

There is no part of your life that will not cost more because of it. It will drain billions of dollars away from you, your family, your job, your business, your friends, your industry, your country, and your life…. and give it to the federal government.

It’s the energy tax.

It’s the failed cap and trade scheme. And it has never done what it’s proponents clamied, all it does is tax.

And congress and the liberals who want it will tell you different. They’ll call it whatever they have to to get it passed. Obama has promised to sign whatever it is, becasue he knows how much mor epower his government will have. How much more power he will have.

Once implemented there is no way you will be able to hide from it. None. No amount of politicizing and give backs can account for the scope of this tax and its ability to empower government over real choice and actual freedom. It can’t be calculated, it can’t be enumerated, and it will smack the middle class right across the face, with every breath they take.

You will pay it on your electric bill, your gas bill, your oil bill, your phone bill, your cable bill, your water bill, your credit card bill, your home loan, at the movies, in the stadiums, at the grocery store, the gas station, when you use the internet, or call a loved one, and in the increased cost of every good and service. All of them, every day, every time, forever. It’s the mother of all taxes and they want it.

So you need to make some decisions. Are you so sure we need this tax that you would let your government rob you, your family, and your children, of more income–at every opportunity? Are you so comfortable with the integrity and transparency of government that you would allow them that much more influence and political power, that much more money to misuse and abuse for their political lends? Because the backroom deals and political pandering, the rent seeking and abuse have already begun, and the bill isn’t even out of committee.

This tax will change America forever. It’s one more nail in the coffin. It will empower India and China with further cost and production advantages that will steal jobs, opportunities, and choices. It will enrich huge companies and stamp out competition.(Before ENRON’s demise it stood to reap a fortune from a carbon tax–and while they are gone others wait in the wings.) It will empower industries and politicians over Americans and their freedom to choose not just their energy, but how much they choose to spend on it. Imagine billionairs like Soros, or Arab sheiks buying and trading US carbon credits for profit you will pay for in increased costs. You like that idea? It’s not only possible, it’s probable.

So would you trust them at their word when they tell you we need this tax? Should you believe energy conglomerates that promote environmenatlism that will make them wealthy? We know you can’t trust the environmentalists themselves.

I’d think about that it I were you. Another tax on everything forever. That’s Obama’s energy tax.


Steve MacDonald is one of three co-hosts of NH Taxpayer Radio heard on Thursday nights from 6-8:00 PM on WLMW 90.7 FM and streaming on the web.