From the HSLDA:
Homeschool Inquisition Continues
HB 368 Work Session Scheduled – Please Attend!
The inquisition into the New Hampshire homeschool law has called its next “chamber meeting”. A select subcommittee will meet to discuss a “Survey to Superintendents”. No doubt the intent is to “collect data” from superintendents to understand why the homeschool law has been working for the last 20 years and how the superintendents would fix it if they could. I wonder if the subcommittee will send out surveys to the private schools that serve as participating agencies to get their input. The “work session” is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. in LOB 207.
With the state of New Hampshire’s public schools and the state budget, it is truly incredible that legislators are taking so much time to look at an area of law that has been working well and for which there is almost no public desire for change.
If you are able, please consider attending this work session. Strong attendance at these meetings helps keep pressure on the committees and demonstrates that homeschoolers are concerned about their freedoms.
There will likely be no time for public comment; however, the public is welcome to attend. At the last subcommittee the chair did invite public comment. If you are able, bring a tape recorder or video recorder along to capture the proceedings.