Seacoast Online

The Hampton Beach Commission is throwing an invitation only party to celebrate the fact that they’ve conned Lynch into giving them $14.5 million dollars at a time when the state is bleeding money from every pore. Thus far, my mailbox remains woefully empty. Silly people. Have they never read The Art of War? Don’t they know it’s wise to keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

There are many out there who believe the beach really needs this alarmingly expensive and ill timed project. After all, the Shell was built all the way back in 1962. (An excellent year for the birth of entertainment showcases and writers.) Saying the place needs to be totally redone just because it’s old, however, is utter nonsense. If that were the case, Mount Rushmore would be smooth as a baby’s bottom and some commission would be in the middle of picking out new presidents to carve into the mountainside.

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