Note: In an attempt to keep taxpayers and parents apprised of what is going on in the home schooling study committee, we have been posting firsthand accounts of these meetings provided by the Home School Legal Defense Association. (HSLDA) Some supporters of the new Parental Rights legislation have provided another view of the HSLDA’s history with regard to home schooling laws in NH. It is agreed by all that it is important that all home schoolers and freedom lovers keep an eye on what this study committee is doing so that you might deal with any resulting legislation that may result from the committee’s actions, regardless of how you feel about HSLDA’s past history with regard to the laws they helped create.

The Parental Rights legislation that is being filed by Rep. Paul Ingbretson (2010-H-2632-R) would guarantee that the parent’s duty to instruct his child supersedes the state’s duty.

New homeschooling legislation – a parent’s duty to instruct his child supersedes the state’s duty
by Doris Hohensee

A group of NH homeschooling parents are introducing legislation with Rep. Paul Ingbretson which recognizes that a parent’s duty to instruct his child supersedes the state’s duty. This PARENTS FIRST legislation eliminates the inequitable “home education” law, which allows state oversight and endless regulation of homeschooling programs.

This PARENTS FIRST effort is being undermined by an out-of-state non-profit organization, Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) which wrote and submitted competing legislation to keep the “home education” law in place, allowing continued state oversight and regulation of homeschooling programs.

HSLDA wrote the NH “home education” law in 1990, calling it “model legislation.” So why after 20 years and endless legislative battles over regulation does HSLDA suddenly need to submit new legislation?

HSLDA wrote this new proposal because (they say) the PARENTS FIRST proposal “goes too far” in the pursuit of homeschooling freedom. How can anyone go “too far” in the pursuit of freedom? PARENTS FIRST wants to eliminate state oversight of private homeschooling programs. Does HSLDA have a financial conflict of interest?

HSLDA is submitting legislation to maintain control over the NH legislative process: to be involved in drafting amendments and any reconciliation process of the two bills. Why can’t NH homeschoolers determine their own laws?

HSLDA sought last minute approval from Christian Home Education of New Hampshire (CHENH), but CHENH leaders have not consulted with or even informed their membership of their legislative actions supposedly taken on their behalf. Both organizations operate in a top-down manner: a few “leaders” make the decisions for everyone.

PARENTS FIRST is an open and inclusive grassroots effort; we have openly debated the details of our proposal, initiated petitions to the House Education Committee and conducted polls to determine the objectives of the proposal being submitted.

The details of both legislative proposals can be found on the Parents First website.

Having two contradictory bills will unfortunately divide the homeschooling community and undermine the chances of passage of either proposal. Is that HSLDA’s objective?

Parents First encourages you to contact Rep. Bates ( ) or (603) 894-6987, ask him to please withdraw HSLDA’s bill. Let NH homeschoolers determine their own destiny.

Contact the CHENH board of governors. Ask them to please withdraw support from HSLDA’s bill.

CHENH website –
James Parison – President
Phillip Hills – Vice President
Dave Wheeler – Legal/Law
Keith Plourds – Website
David Menard – Convention Oversight

Contact HSLDA Attorney Mike Donnelly and ask him to please withdraw HSLDA’s bill. Allow the NH homeschooling community to determine their own destiny. HSLDA should confine its activities to “defending” its members when they are threatened, not initiating laws to suit its agenda.