As Chairman of the New Hampshire Advantage Coalition I have made it my commitment to fight against higher taxes and keep spending to a reasonable level. Just this year we started spending cap drives in eight communities and instituted our “Defending the New Hampshire Advantage Pledge”. The goal of the pledge and our spending cap proposals are to keep spending levels low enough that we do not need an income tax and that we do not lose our low tax advantage.

These are not Republican proposals, these are not Democrat proposals, they are New Hampshire proposals.

I have to be honest though, I am amazed that not one elected Democrat has signed our pledge and have found it even more amazing that their Chairman Ray Buckley and their former Chairman Kathy Sullivan have spent time on progressive websites like Blue New Hampshire attacking our efforts. I guess what they don’t realize is that about 25-30% of the people who sign our spending cap proposals are in fact Democrats.

Perhaps this video will shed some light on why they are attacking our efforts and why spending in Concord under John Lynch and the current Democrat leadership has increased 17.5%.

Maybe if you listen closely, you will even hear what some Democrats leaders (including their Chairman) really think about an income tax.

Best Wishes,

Mike Biundo, Chairman
New Hampshire Advantage Coalition