Dear Candidates for NH Senate and House:
We’ll get to the bottom line right away but hope candidates and current legislators will read this in full to get yourselves up to speed.
The bottom line: the issue of zoning being taken over by the Feds via AFFH (refers to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing act passed during the Obama administration) is a moot question when your own State Governor, with help from Senate Republicans, is attempting to do the very same thing.
There has been a lot of buzz at the national level about AFFH.
Both Betsy McCaughey and Stanley Kurtz have written about it.
The sad fact is, HUD Secretary Ben Carson has been implementing it since the beginning, and Agenda21/2030 (the origins of the push for ‘new urbanism’) received the MOST funding ever from the US hidden in the defense budget that was recently passed.
But no matter what they are doing at the top, the worst threat is coming from our own Governors.
It has come to our attention that the Mount Washington Housing Coalition’s Harrison Kanzler spoke to Republicans in that district about Affordable Housing. It is safe to assume that this is going on all over the state with other candidates encouraged by what our illustrious REPUBLICAN governor has proposed — flooding NH with low-income high-density housing.
We wanted to make sure all legislators and candidates could see through the benign-sounding language of the legislation that is the backbone of the Governor’s Plan (HB 1632 and HB 1629 along with the Housing Appeals Board) and that his plan, not AFFH, is the impending problem. If candidates oppose Biden being elected because they fear he will continue to implement AFFH, then certainly they should be willing to oppose the same plan coming from our own governor!
Right now the two above-mentioned bills were tabled because of lack of state revenues, so it is clear that the taxpayers would be paying for it. But the HAB still exists!
In California, the exact same plan promoted by Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom was rejected by their State legislature!
Personally we sold our home in North Conway after ‘affordable housing’ was brought into neighboring Conway and after we experienced two break-ins. During a recent visit we noticed the main road resembled a NYC street with sirens blaring all night long. A few years ago, Conway NH was deemed the most dangerous town in NH, due to the increased amount of crime.
The Governor’s plan is on hold for now, but we are sure he will attempt to resume it if re-elected. The Housing Appeals Board (SB 306) was pushed through secretly by Senate Republicans, and that too must be repealed. The HAB allows basically allows developers to circumvent local zoning laws that interfere with their goals.
You can read the history of this here: See “HOUSING APPEALS BOARD”
Once again, the issue of zoning being taken over by the Feds is a moot question when your own State Governor, with help from Senate Republicans, is attempting to do the very same thing.
Jane Aitken, Chairman
Bedford Residents Assn