Revenue shortfall discovered in Londonderry Town council, school board consider using ‘rainy day’ funds to make up the difference LONDONDERRY — A revenue shortfall due to an electronic processing glitch when calculating the tax rate has joined both town...
by Ed Naile Everyone knows the New Hampshire “paper” that sells itself as a business tabloid is overwhelmingly left-wing. It has a snotty, condescending, political comment section on the next to the last page that invents, if need be, several stories each month about...
“They don’t think you are paying enough for all the projects that are already budgeted, bonded, and scheduled. They intend to jack up the price you pay at the tolls — by 50 percent! Go through the Bedford and Hooksett tolls and a round trip will cost you not the...
Apparently Rep Norman Silber who represents Gilford and Meredith, thinks so. He is a co-sponsor, along with six other representatives, of House Bill 440, which would repeal the I&D tax. The House Ways and Means Committee recently held a hearing on the bill, and...
This is nothing new. Find out why… “So it might have seemed “off” last week to see Sanborn and his fellow Republicans on the Senate Ways and Means Committee voting against bills to cut taxes while Democrats were arguing for them. The key to...
Millennial Advisory Council All Day Kindergarten Legalized Keno and now… Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council Video: Gov. Sununu creates advisory council on diversity and inclusion LTE Seen in Daily Sun