Secretary of State Makes Major Admission

Voter Fraud is Real NH’s SoS apparently thought that voter fraud is real in 2012 as well. Hear him on Girard at Large. htp:// If the above video does not show on your device, use this direct...

What To Do About Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile Because this issue is so relevant I will be doing a series of stories about it – that would be the NH Secretary of State’s “interview” with the Manchester paper. “We have drive-by voting,” New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner said in an interview...

Jeanne Shaheen: Voter Fraud Queen

by Ed Naile, Chairman of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers Shaheen: Wellspring of out of state voters Jeanne Shaheen the Voter Fraud Queen is going to run as negative a campaign as she can against the Independent she is going to face in November. Her little army of out of...

Survey Says: Boom!

The, let me correct myself, OUR children in middle school in Bedford were assigned a survey to complete. Of course Bedford being a liberal, enlightened public school the survey asked about minors and their ideas about sex. You knew it would, right? Bedford parents say...

NC Cooperates on NH Voter Fraud

Jay Delancy, President of the Voter Integrity Project of NC called in to GAL this morning to talk about voter fraud. Ed Naile of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers identified Delancy’s organization on Wednesday’s edition of A Question of Voter Fraud. Like CNHT, VIP-NC is a...