What is The Problem in Henniker?

by Ed Naile The paper in Concord claims to have found some disenfranchised voters! Ray Duckler Henniker Voters Have No Vote of Confidence Ah, but as usual with NH election laws, the print media, and voting, the facts are not facts. One couple living in a seasonal...

Congratulations Hanover Voters!

Here is another guy who voted in your place – if you are a legitimate New Hampshire taxpayer: “North Haverhill — A former Dartmouth College student who is charged with the rape of a female student has hired a prominent Washington, D.C., lawyer to help with his...

Richard “Stretch” Kennedy

These past two years have been tough… First we lost Howard Dilworth, then Bob Kingsbury, and now good friend of CNHT Richard ‘Stretch’ Kennedy who passed away today. A strong supporter of low taxes and gun rights, Stretch was ever the colorful...

Another Prosecution of Voter Fraud

Milford man, mom fined over illegal voting CONCORD — A Milford man and his mother agreed to pay a $1,250 fine as part of a settlement into allegations he voted twice during the 2012 general election, according to a release from the state Attorney General’s Office....

Can We Make Gloria Pilotte The Secretary of State

by Ed Naile Manchester, Ward 9 is in the news again! NH AG Announces Indictment for Wrongful Voting Due to some shoddy reporting by the dead tree media, so far, we don’t know much about Lorin C. Schneider Jr. of Ma. voting in Ward 9 in Manchester back in November 2012...

Massachusetts Man Indicted for Voter Fraud

by Ed Naile Like cockroaches, where there is one, there are usually hundreds more. Judging from the amount of Mass plates we see at the polls each time, we can just imagine. MANCHESTER – A Massachusetts man has been indicted for voting in Manchester during the...