Somebody Jumped The Gun On This, But…

by Ed Naile Superior Court Judge Lewis of Strafford County has some explaining to do. Or should I say, some more re-writing of the NH Election Laws and NH Constitution. His little gambit to make college voters from out-of-state legal voters here in NH by the silly...

Regional Planning Commissions and Transparency

Regional planning officials should answer questions in public by Tim Carter, Meredith NH Are you aware of the massive planning initiative called the Granite State Future? It’s currently being developed by the Lakes Region Planning Commission and the other eight...

Voter Fraud Uncovered by Former State Rep

by Ed Naile Note: This effort is being undertaken by many groups in New Hampshire not just Bob Kingsbury. Expect much more fraud to be uncovered. LACONIA — A former state representative is saying that he has uncovered local evidence of alleged voter fraud in last...

Mobile Imbecile Voters

by Ed Naile A week ago Friday I was down in Lexington Mass as a guest speaker for what is the Massachusetts version of Grover Norquist’s “Wednesday Meeting.” This was my fourth trip down there and they say I hold the record because it seems the Massachusetts activists...

Protecting Voter Integrity (HB 119)

by Ed Naile HB 119 would allow non-residents to vote in New Hampshire state and local elections without being subject to the laws that govern state residents, including local and state taxes and fees. Claiming DOMICILE must be equivalent to claiming RESIDENCY....

Undoing Voter ID: Why is This a Priority?

by Ed Naile It’s not often the UL comes down on the side of what is conservative or right, but they hit it out of the park with this editorial. CNHT has reams of information that point to possible real fraud, some prosecuted, most not, its Election Integrity...