Dems Remove Two Important Committees

CONCORD – The House has voted 226-147 to eliminate the Constitutional Review and Statutory Recodification, and Redress of Grievances committees established two years ago. Because after all, who needs that pesky old Constitution, or a means to hear to the...

Right to Know Laws Under Attack

Cited by CNHT as the ‘sharpest tool in the box’, New Hampshire’s Right to Know Laws, under RSA 91-A, are being attacked. “Even as two changes to state law designed to improve New Hampshire residents’ access to government records are just...

Richmond Eagle for October 2012 Ongoing

For interested Monadnock-area residents, there is a new print publication called the Richmond Eagle. Here is their October 2012 issue. Here is their December 2012 issue.

CNHT Files Motion to Intervene on Voter ID Judgement

by Ed Naile NH Secretary of State Bill Gardner says that the court ruling was based on a likely misinterpretation of the requirements of the new voter ID law. Gardner says he’s troubled by the prospect of adding to his website the section saying college students don’t...

New NH Voter ID Law Makes Trial Run

by Ed Naile Most say voting went smoothly Around 7:20 in this video [since removed], the group ‘Democracy Now’ is reporting that people were turned away from the polls because of not having sufficient Voter ID in NH on September 11, 2012. [Article and...

Highest Ranked Reps Defended Education

When NH Families for Education group published its candidate ratings, the highest ranked House members were those who defended local control of schools: Kyle Jones, Laura Jones, Moe Villeneuve, Phyllis Katsakiores, Andrew Manuse, Mike Ball, JR Hoell, Lara...