For Immediate Release: Coalition of NH Taxpayers 603.471.0138 2011 CNHT Taxpayer Picnic in Hillsborough a Success Ron Paul top vote-getter in straw poll HILLSBOROUGH, NH — About 250 people attended the 2011 CNHT Annual Taxpayer Reunion Picnic at the...
by Richard Olson, Jr. Governor Lynch Vetoes SB 129 which NH had approved. Irony. A considerable number of facets of our every-day lives require us to produce identification. Not producing an identification means not obtaining the good or service we seek. More often...
These articles are probably more important than reading Alinsky. If you have ever been to a Frank Luntz focus group, you will understand how this works. It is essential that you know how to fight the Delphi method; otherwise you are wasting your time attending any...
by Ed Naile Update: The Dartmouth on Recent Attempts to Tighten Up Voting Requirements There are some bills coming up in the New Hampshire House of Representatives this week, Thursday to be more precise. HB 176 and 223 are intended to limit non-resident voting in our...
HB 176 is a bill that changes the definition of domicile as it applies to eligibility to vote and to hold certain offices. If you browse our section on Election Integrity, you can find many examples of double voting, out of state voting, and other anomalies that have...
DOVER — For local supporters of a tax cap, the recent Supreme Court ruling that tax caps are in conflict with state law is not the final word in the matter. The decision was made Wednesday in response to a yearlong case involving the Manchester and the citizen group...