Word has it (not posted yet on bill status page) that the House Public Works and Highways Committee has ‘recommended’ that SB 241 (the Commuter Rail Boondoggle for “project development, analysis, and funding”) “Ought to Pass”. The...
This quote is taken straight from NHPR, a site that continually supports commuter rail. The comment that follows is the most succinct explanation of why extending the MBTA to Concord would be unsustainable. “82,000 people travel from New Hampshire to...
The Nashua Board of Education President Heather Raymond is asking for the resignation of Doris Hohensee from the school board. Heather Raymond accuses Doris of endangering a student when she has done no such thing. The Union Leader has reprinted that lie. Doris simply...
Voter fraud and the canary of Canterbury by Howard Pearl To paraphrase Mark Twain: Everyone talks about election integrity but no one does anything about it. That may be changing. New Hampshire Attorney General Gordon MacDonald’s office is prosecuting perpetrators of...
Just wanted to drop a note to our “Email list” colleagues regarding 2019 and NKTA need for continued support from our members and from those on our email list and from the broader community. We had a busy year in 2018 and more to do in 2019 (see the bottom...