PJ O’Rourke at CNHT

PJ gave his usually satirical commentary on the state of politics and politicians today. Feeling a bit nervous that the crowd wouldn’t shut up, he immediately put my mind at ease by turning that situation into a statement on how things should be. The rest of the...

12th Annual CNHT Picnic w/PJ O’Rourke a Success!

Almost 500 people attended the 12th Annual CNHT Picnic on Saturday July 10th at the Hillsborough American Legion. About 30 candidates and groups set up displays and there was plenty of food on hand. Among the prominent groups in attendance were the NH Liberty...

For Hollis: Schools Should Get Back to Basics

The Hollis School System has hired some ‘education industry consultants’ and is about to go over a cliff… if anyone can decipher what ‘changes’ are being described from the educational ‘newspeak’ contained in this Hollis...

Pupil ID Bill is Real ID (SB 503 and SB 455)

According to NH State Representative L. Mike Kappler of Kingston: “SB-503, relative to unique pupil identification. In 2004, legislation created a firewall between the data warehouse (non-personally identifying information) and the random number generator...

Budget Balance a Sham

According to NH Watchdog Grant Bosse of the Josiah Bartlett Center, a lot of wishful thinking outnumbered actual cuts in spending in the new budget that was arrived at this week. He says “Borrowing, transfers, and wishful thinking dwarf the actual spending cuts...