Resignation Requested of Teeny-Bopper Grafton County Treasurer

by Ed Naile Treasurer for Grafton County, Vanessa Sievers, was asked to resign by vote of the Executive Committee meeting on Monday, April 19th, 2010 (of which Sievers missed). CNHT had questioned the residency requirement of Sievers, who is a college student and also...

Forcing International Agendas Through Local Mayors

From the Canada Free Press by Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center (Note: Just as we have sought to expose the backers of groups like the GSFTC, it’s always wise to find out just who is behind the push to do anything that doesn’t seem like it’s coming...

Right to Know (HB 1356)

HB 1356 would require non-profits that are funded by public money to be subject to the Right to Know laws. It is slated for a floor vote on March 17, 2010. Please contact your Representatives and ask that they SUPPORT this bill. Related: NHPR Article The Right to Know...

Hassan’s Massive Hospital Tax (SB 505)

by Steve MacDonald State Senator Maggie Hassan must not believe the odds for Democrats in November are bad enough. She’s decided to ask them to help her piss off the entire Health Care industry in New Hampshire (and anyone who has to use it) on top of everything else...

Lawmakers Ready to Ax Business Tax

Nashua Telegraph Lawmakers ready to ax business tax CONCORD – The state’s controversial new tax on owners and investors in limited liability companies could disappear by its one-year anniversary. Gov. John Lynch and top leaders in the state Legislature have privately...

In Times Like These…

These articles are offered to you without comment… Maggie Hassan’s Own Brand of Universal Health Care for NH “Critics may come to call it New Hampshire’s own big debate over health care. Senate Majority Leader Maggie Hassan, D-Exeter, and supporters...