Nashua Telegraph Lawmakers ready to ax business tax CONCORD – The state’s controversial new tax on owners and investors in limited liability companies could disappear by its one-year anniversary. Gov. John Lynch and top leaders in the state Legislature have privately...
These articles are offered to you without comment… Maggie Hassan’s Own Brand of Universal Health Care for NH “Critics may come to call it New Hampshire’s own big debate over health care. Senate Majority Leader Maggie Hassan, D-Exeter, and supporters...
Follow-up to January 29, 2010 article. “Another hearing was held Jan. 22. If the proposed rates are approved, they will then be sent to the state for administrative review and could go into affect in April.” Assessment updates to New Hampshire’s current...
In an attempt to clarify these misleading mailers from Jeff Goley sent out under the name of the NHDP/Raymond Buckley, the Union Leader apparently did a little digging and came up with the opinion that “…the state Democratic Party is misleading the voters...
Fergus Cullen for the Union Leader New Hampshire conservationists had high hopes for how $18 million in funding generated by the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) might advance energy efficiency projects. Unfortunately, cronyism and corporate welfare hallmark...
UPDATE: There will be a House Education Committee subcommitee work session on February 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM in LOB 207. We still say that this bill is NOT NEEDED, but if it passes, should only pass WITH THE AMENDMENT that provides for NO DISCRIMINATION about which...