Are current use taxes about to go up? Apparently the DRA would like them to. “Under New Hampshire’s current use law, owners of qualifying land receive property tax reductions if they agree to maintain their land in an undeveloped condition, but proposed new...
When will parents and taxpayers wake up? Apparently the town of Windham is being threatened with UN programs that portend to bring UN propaganda to their schools. Recent activities include fundraising for attendance at an upcoming UN conference in New York. Some of...
But former Budget Director says otherwise… (CONCORD) In his annual State of the State address to the Legislature, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch stated that “In 2009, the worst year of the recession, we balanced the budget.” But Lynch’s former Budget Director...
Ed Naile spoke to the Seacoast Women’s Republican Committee on January 13, 2010. The subject of his talk was voter fraud in NH… A blog called Blue Hampshire who noticed this speech, stated in THIS POST [site has since been taken down] the blatant lie that...
Update 2017: The UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which are supported by the ONE organization, have now been renamed to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Please note that the school board members listed below were those who served at the time and are...
In what seems like a page from the playbook of Barack H. Obama for lack of transparency, a new rule would shut out certain voices from the legislative procedure. Both Democratic and Republican House leaders supported a rules change to allow only elected lawmakers...