How Cap and Tax Will Hurt NH

September 24, 2009 Americans for Tax Reform Both Congressman Paul Hodes and Congressman Carol Shea-Porter voted YES on the “Cap and Trade” legislation that is currently before the US Senate. This bill, better known as the Waxman-Markey bill, is also...

Party of the ‘rich’ scheming for broadbased tax

According to this article in the Union Leader, “A legislative committee studying an income tax bill was told yesterday it should consider a sales tax instead.” The hearing was intended to be a formal briefing by UNH Economics Professor Ross Gittell on HB...

John Stephen: Obamacare will blow a giant hole in NH’s budget

September 11, 2009 Union Leader “In the national discussion of health care reform, one critical area has been left out: the devastating repercussions the legislation being considered in Washington would have on state budgets across the country. For New...

Republicans call for state special session

September 3, 2009 Nashua Telegraph CONCORD – Republican legislative leaders called upon Gov. John Lynch to convene a special session to cut spending in a state budget embroiled in a $110 million court dispute and faced with lagging revenues over the past two months....

Feeding the Beast

Exercising the First by Doug Lambert Feeding the Beast As I dig deeper and deeper into the affairs of supposed “self government” and the rule of law, and try to work — as any good citizen would — to right apparent wrongs, I know that there are some out...

Obama’s Stimulus a Farce in New Hampshire

August 24, 2009 by Warner Todd Huston One of the first states to attempt to tally the “new jobs” that Obama’s stimulus created has issued its first report and the news is rather discreditable to say the least. New Hampshire’s Director of the Economic Stimulus, Bud...