by Clarice Ryan AmericanPolicy.Org One of the prime targets of the Sustainability movement is the acquisition and control of private property of this country and the natural resources contained. The Conservation Easement provides the tools, techniques and motivations...
September 25, 2009 Union Leader BARNSTEAD – Heidi Murphy, 47, of Center Barnstead, has been indicted on eight counts of theft for allegedly stealing property tax payments. Read More…
September 25, 2009 by Steve MacDonald Edith Kelley embezzled $400,000 dollars from the school lunch program in Concord. According to an article in the Concord Monitor, Kelley had to have stolen an average of $300.00 to $400.00 dollars a day for seven years to...
September 25, 2009 Associate Press Eminent domain land sits undeveloped Four years after the Kelo vs New London decision, Justice Souter’s vote to allow the city to take private property for development has been deemed a ‘hollow victory’. The area is...
September 24, 2009 Americans for Tax Reform Both Congressman Paul Hodes and Congressman Carol Shea-Porter voted YES on the “Cap and Trade” legislation that is currently before the US Senate. This bill, better known as the Waxman-Markey bill, is also...
According to this article in the Union Leader, “A legislative committee studying an income tax bill was told yesterday it should consider a sales tax instead.” The hearing was intended to be a formal briefing by UNH Economics Professor Ross Gittell on HB...