Why NH’s Budget Should Concern You

Seacoast Online Now that the budget has been signed in Concord, we are led to believe by our Democrat legislators and leaders that we can all breathe a sigh of relief since the final budget is reasonable, responsible and balanced. Not withstanding the fact that...

Lynch opposes gambling, or does he?

July 22, 2009 Eagle Tribune “A newly announced commission to study expanded gambling in the state has those on both sides of the slot machine debate looking forward to more definitive answers. Gov. John Lynch signed an executive order July 16, to form the...

Live Free or Die: It’s a Motto, Not a Sales Pitch

In nine days, New Hampshire’s state motto will turn 200 years old. It was July 31, 1809, when Gen. John Stark wrote to his comrades from the Battle of Bennington to offer this toast: “Live free or die. Death is not the worst of evils.” It is a...

This is how your government wastes its time and your tax dollars?

July 22, 2009 Union Leader According to a report by “The Governor’s Task Force for the Recruitment and Retention of a Young Workforce for the State of New Hampshire”: “Our State portrays an unfriendly message that every individual has to...

Alaska did it, what’s wrong with NH?

July 20, 2009 World Net Daily What a shame NH, the Live Free or Die state, could not reaffirm what is already in the Constitution? Palin to feds: Alaska is sovereign state Constitutional rights reasserted in growing resistance to Washington Gov. Sarah Palin has signed...

Lynch Parties While New Hampshire Burns

Seacoast Online The Hampton Beach Commission is throwing an invitation only party to celebrate the fact that they’ve conned Lynch into giving them $14.5 million dollars at a time when the state is bleeding money from every pore. Thus far, my mailbox remains woefully...